Different types of music can make you feel different things. There are a couple of genres of music that help coping. The genres are Classical Music, Video Game Soundtracks, Nature Sounds, Pump Up Songs, Instrumental Songs, Feel Good Songs and White Noise.
Classical music sounds pleasing to the ear, which in turn improves cognition in the brain. When something sounds nice it increases dopamine and neurocognition. With these two factors working in tandem, an aging brain stays active and healthy. Source
Playing a video game requires a lot of focus. To make it to the next level, players commonly have to avoid traps, dodge obstacles, and discover secret tools that will help them progress to the next level. As a result, the music selection for video games is often very strategic, in that modern soundtracks tend to reflect epic, inspiring cinematic scores rather than just basic sound effects. Source
According to psychophysical data and sound-field analysis published in The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, listening to “natural” sounds could enhance cognitive functioning, optimize your ability to concentrate, and increase your level of satisfaction.
Pump Up or Hype or Pop music often deals with themes of love, loss, and other universal emotions, providing a way for listeners to express and process their own emotions. This can be particularly helpful for people who have difficulty expressing themselves verbally or who struggle with emotional regulation. Source
Instrumental music has one of the most well-documented effects is its ability to lower blood pressure. Blood pressure correlates with stress, and simply listening to calming music can lower stress hormone levels. Source
Playing uplifting songs has a profound effect on the brain, stimulating it to increase feel-good hormones which boost our mood. Music can stimulate the same part of the brain as delicious food and other physical pleasures. Source
White noise is a pleasing sound for many people, it can help to induce a more relaxed state. By blocking out other sounds, white noise makes it easier to shut out the rest of the world and focus, as is necessary for practices like meditation that can aid sleep and reduce stress. Source